Student Registration Form In Html With Css Code Free Download


Login forms can be found in websites with forums, shops, WordPress and mostly everything on the internet requires login form somewhere to get access to something. The whole web is incomplete without login forms and registration, signups forms.

HTML forms will be first which most of us come across and with proper CSS which gives style to the HTML structure . In latest HTML versions i guess HTML seems to have opted for CSS3 as their default structure styling option. Anyways what you find here is the pre designed HTML, CSS forms built by front end developers and shared to the public for free to use.

Register.html — Registration form created with HTML5 and CSS3, this file doesn't require us to use PHP so we'll save it as HTML. Style.css — The stylesheet (CSS3) for our secure registration form. Register.php — Validate form data and insert a new account in the MySQL database. Activate.php — Activate the users account with a unique. Login And Registration Form project is a web application which is developed in HTML CSS platform. This HTML CSS project with tutorial and guide for developing a code. Login And Registration Form is a open source you can Download zip and edit as per you need. If you want more latest HTML CSS projects here.

Try to use all these free login form templates as most of them also have pre built HTML validation features as well as some opt jQuery or HTML validation ( like the Login/Register form with pass meter below).

This list is not over yet, i am interested in finding new login form designs so i will keep updating these list with new login form templates when they show up in 2017. Stay tuned.

Red Login Form

A simple and effective login form for your website which requires basic input fields and no extra programming.

Learn more about the css css3 and HTML5 registration form. In this article we will show you some examples of css css3 html5 registration form templates, you can feel free to download this sample form templates and it is also possible to add or edit any text or field in those form. How to Create Student Registration Form with HTML Code? At present, the concept of online student registration form has emerged as a great relief for the educational institutes across the world as it saves the time for both the students as well as management.

Flat HTML5/CSS3 Login Form

A flat login form design designed for your website which is already flat. Download and use this template for any purpose.

Login/Logout animation concept

Require a quick signin for your clients ? No worries, this pretty looking login form will get you going without any hassles. Download the source code and check the demo as you can put a sample username and password in the fields and try to login. You will be taken to a profile page on the same which looks glorious with a logout button which shows the logging out animation.

Material Login Form

With google material design getting popular over flat design we can see a deep and carefully shadowed login form and a register form in this css3 template.

Material Design Login Form

Here you get another brilliant login form for your busienss website with a option to hide/show login fields. Well coded css/html/js design will give you better loading without tampering your current site speed.

Minimal Login Form with fluid animation

A smooth animation of login form which opens up the login section by clicking a picture or a button as you need.

Minimalistic Login Form with css

Here you will find a no-fancy login form ui which is placed on a full screen background. The download file will get you css and html for easy implementation of this login to your website.

Animated Login Form

The click animations displayed on text fields is brilliant which displays a small sliding animation of user and password icons. You can then login the form to watch a authenticating pre loader as well as a welcome back block. This download contains all the source files to implement a login form for your own website.

Elegant Login

This is a simple version of login form you can display on your website as this also has less impact on site speed with its minimal code.

Calm Login Screen

A clean login form with animated background giving a relaxing feel to the whole page. Download the whole template in zip format from codepen.

Login and Signup Form

Integrate this fluid login and signup form on to your website with ease. The zip file with this download will provide you with css, html and js templates. Social media signup is also available with password show/hide options for on screen easy password entry.

Login Form with Create Account

A login form which displays with a fadein effect is just amusing to watch. This effect can be seen only in few modern login forms. Use the click me to change the form to signup or create form.

Flat UI Login Form

A clean template with free html,css using minimal code and design for a website login page.

Transparent Login Form

A simple transparent form for login pages which is pure css and html.

Unique Style for Login

A login form which is totally unique with a character of interest.

Classic HTML Login Form

An example of old school login form with modern day styles with css3 only.

Signin form

A form with a cool border line and minimal css code and this is worth a try.

New CSS3 Login Form

A simple login form with only pure css3 as no jquery is used. For validation lite JavaScript is used in html form template.

JS Login form

A minimal style login form with flat design can be download from the link below. HTML validation is available and set in this login template.

Minimal Form Template for Login

A validation for email is in palce and this tempalte is pure css, html with no fancy jquery modules.

Signup/Login Form

A single form to login to the website as well as a signup, register option which can be flipped with a click. Even though the signup area is missing some important fields this is nonetheless better form with all powerful features.

DropDown Login Form

This login form is hidden unles you click on login link. This is a very useful feature for modern day website which can avoid an extra page for login. Display login on any page you like with this powerful login form.

Vibrant Login Interface CSS & PSD

It’s provided both as a PSD and as a fully-coded HTML/CSS version, so you can get started integrating it straight away.

Login Form (Coded)

A professional login form. The download includes the PSD file, and I also felt like coding it so I included the xHTML, Js and CSS files as well.

White Simple Login Form

A clean and simple login form with a round submit button and elegant focus states.

Login form using HTML5 and CSS3

This is an example how to create a simple login form using HTML5 and CSS3. This form uses pseudo elements :after and :before to create the multi page effect.

Flat Login Form

A flat login form template with html and css.

Facebook Login Form

A simple login form in Facebook color scheme.

Simply Login Form

Simply Login Form styled and designed purely using CSS3. The form is created using pretty simple markup and styled using very basic CSS3 properties.

Minimal style login form

A dark minimal login form template.

Login/Register form with pass meter

A pass meter to gauge your password strength.

Custom Login Form Styling

In this tutorial find some interesting techniques and download files to create a valid CSS HTML5 login form.

Pure CSS Blurred Video Background Login Box

Find a blurred video running in background of this form and the form itself shows a transparency. This is dark colored login form for those who are interested in a bit darkish theme.

With the revolution in the concept of web page design and maintaining, to develop a closer relationship with one visiting your page is important. The viewer may be in need of using it other times, on the other hand you get active visitors for your web page. Here the concept of sign in form and registration form pups up. Firstly, after having a look over the importance, we will approach with better way to insert some Beautiful HTML CSS Sign Up and Registration Form over your web page.

While surfing over internet, you come across the ready to use sign up forms. These forms ask the details of user like name, address, email Id, Photo, gender, job including biography. The sign up forms includes username and password as basic elements. Some of these components may vary as per the form you select but basic idea is to verify the identity of your user and develop better link with them.

Student Registration Form In Html With Css Code Free Download Mp3 Rocket

Beautiful HTML CSS Sign Up and Registration Form

Among many HTML, CSS forms over internet we have listed down some best one in terms of their compatibility, flexibility and space occupied. These will be of great help for you.


Login and Sign Up Form Concept

This full page, responsive CodePen is the creation of Dany Santos. The login forms only contain email and password whereas sign in form contains email, username and password. In addition these components only appear once you choose whether to log in or sign up. With the background animation this one looks attractive.
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Sign Up Login Form

Similar to the first one this is also the CodePen by Eric whereas the component of forms is also similar. But, here the component appears in the same page so you don’t have to initially select to view the components. But admit the fact that with the plain background this one is less attractive but is flexible and light weighted.
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Clean and Responsive Forms

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This is simple looking registration form including plenty of examples. It is easily compatible with windows and androids as well. Moreover, designers himself have separated the forms in different categories like mini, labels in top, validity and so on. This is interactive and user friendly form example by tutorialzine.
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Sign up Form


Jose Carnerioover made this simple and light weighted form by Jose over CodePen featuring to collect large number of information. It includes gender, date of birth and payment option including credit card number beside the basic one i.e. email and password. So this is best designed for online shopping and marketing.
Code and Demo

Sign Up Screen Animation

This compatible user friendly code for sign in and sign up form is the design of Josh Sorosky. It has a simple look and coded with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Sign up Screen Animation only contain the basic things like username and password including email for sign up form.
Code and Demo

Login & registration Form

This attractive and beautiful log in and registration form is the creation of Grandvincvcent Marion. With the beautiful background picture and just basic component on forms this is actually popular with thousands of views. This is well flexible allowing easy modification and is a attractive one.
Source Code and Demo

Multi Step Form with Progress

Student Registration Form In Html With Css Code Free Download Free

It has the concept of three steps that is account set up, social profile and personal detail which makes this quite different kind of login form by Atakan Goktepe. Besides the basic component i.e. email and password this one creates a link with all social media used by the views and collect there more information.
Demo and Source

Material Design Log in Sign up

Material design log in sin up form is simple and extremely light weighted form by Brawada over CodePen. This composes of HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes and looks simple and beautiful. It just includes the basic component of forms and uses less space of your web page.
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Material Design Signup Interaction

This is interactive, beautiful code by Kyle Lavery. Its simplicity makes it popular with, many thousand of view. Furthermore material Design Signup Interaction contains just basic component of forms but you can easily add up newer one as this is highly flexible. This is simple registration form over CodePen.
Code and Demo

Sign Up Interface

Martin Machycek is popular developer in CodePen. He designed this very simple and good looking sign up and login form through HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In addition it is compatible and light weighted which is the best aspect of this form. It just included email and Password so better useful for simple WebPages then commercial one.
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Sign in and Sign up – Single Form

This is interactive light weighted sign in and sign up forms by Dany Santos over CodePen. It is simple with just email and password so not well designed for commercial purpose. Because of its less weight and simple nature it has collected few thousand of view making it the attractive one.
Demo and Source Code

Sign Up UX Design

This is interactive sign up form by Matthew Largent. Not only email and password but it also includes other personal information like age interest and biography. So this is useful for commercial sites and job searching sites. Moreover it has only HTML and CSS code, however is the useful one.
Code and Demo

Material Design Sign Up Form

This is the attractive sign up form by Kov Jonas. Moreover it provides with easy linkage with social media used by viewers. Furthermore this facility makes a frequent link u with viewers and furthermore even helps in advertisement of pages over social media. With the beautiful background image in addition to flexibility, it is well preferred.
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HTM5 CSS3 Login Form

This is extremely simple and light login form coded with HTML5 and CSS3. This is design of Aigars Silkans. It only included username and password so best designed for informative personal blogs and small websites. Fact that this has maximum number of views unlike some other CodePen is convincing.
Live Demo and Code

Sign Up Registration Form

This beautiful sign up form is the creation of Momciloo Popov. Along with the simple components of a form it furthermore has an image side by that moves with the touch. It included all HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes.
Source Code and Live Demo

SignUp Daily UI

Last but not the least, Sign up Daily UI is best login form for mobile phone by Gabrielle wee over CodePen. Moreover, it looks attractive with the background image and animation can easily replace that image. It just includes name, email and password.
Source Code

Initially we know, among many aspects of your web page, registration and sign up follows the first order. This creates the profile of each user and moreover leads to better user management systems. In the first pace, HTML is the building block of everything and CSS makes things look attractive. So, HTML and CSS sums up making a beautiful HTML CSS Sign Up and Registration Form for your web page.