Virtual Classroom Project In Java Source Code Free Download


Building up a virtual classroom framework to advance a more prominent check of understudies to spend too much into the field of instruction. It incorporates the advantages of a physical classroom with the comfort of a ‘no-physical-bar’ virtual learning condition, less the driving risks, and costs. It will introduce the enormous adaptability and complexity in the current learning stage structures, with the ideal mix of synchronous and nonconcurrent connection. It gives a method for community-oriented learning for the understudies. This online application empowers the end clients to enlist on the web, select the subject, read the course and show up for the exam on the web. The consequences of the exams are likewise announced soon after taking the test. The competitor should take tests in a specific succession and furthermore he can endeavor the following test just in the event that he has finished the past papers. The right responses to the inquiries are shown after the exam. The date of the enlistment, date of exam, test result and so forth is put away in the database.
The manual framework includes paperwork through keeping up different records and manuals. Keeping up basic data in the records and manuals are loaded with chance and a monotonous procedure. Counting a system demonstrating to apply Internet innovation logically as abilities and certainty develop, the venture exhibits the course of adjusting materials to building up a virtual course. These days, when individuals are not having sufficient energy to visit an organization. In this way, the product is intended to give the training through the internet. The venture “Virtual Classroom System helps the basic world in any field they are to get the learning what they need notwithstanding sitting at there places. This encourages them to save time in their bustling calendar and spare their chance amid transportation.
Training through the web, organize and a PC is virtual classroom framework. This aides in organize empowered exchange of abilities and learning. Virtual classroom alludes to utilization of electronic applications and procedures to learn. This is an online application which can be facilitated in the site of any preparation organization. The understudies will have the capacity to enroll on the web, read the course material and compose online exam.
The goals of this venture are
• To give separate learning
• To make it helpful for individuals who have different responsibilities
• Cost decrease
• Reduced printed material
• Computer assessed tests
Number of Modules
After watchful investigation the framework has been recognized to have the accompanying modules:
1. Registration Module
2. Participant Module
3. Guide Module
4. Online Exam
1.Registration Module:
This module comprise of enrolling the member points of interest inorder to login.The exsisting parcipant can specifically login alongside userid and secret key and view the course details.If it is new member they should enlist their subtle elements with userid and password.The points of interest of member will be kept up by the database.
2.Participant Module:
In this module, members from various areas cooperate with the educator all the while through online mode in genuine time.After enlistment they can login and see the course points of interest inorder to buid their carrier.They can choose any course and selected the course by enlisting their details.The Course selected can be seen by the member and they can edit.Participant can see the course material and learn through on the web and show up for exam. The consequences of the exams are likewise proclaimed soon after taking the test.
3.Guide Module:
In this module, control see the member enlistment, course selected status and member questions. The member can clear the questions by picking the area and entering the inquiry. The guide see the member question and sends answer as per the inquiries. The Questions will be facilitated for the member inorder to take exams. Guide will have question paper as per the area and send to the member.
4.OnlineExam Module:
In this module,parcitipant will show up for taking exam as per the course would they enrolled.The member should obviously read the guideline once before they show up for exam.Click on begin exam catch to begin the exam.Questions are essentially of Multiple decision sort i.e., just a single answer is right, these answers are spoken to by four Radio Buttons.After clicking begin exam catch time would check simultaneously.Once the member finished their exam they ought to enter the specific points of interest what they given.Then the outcome will be seen along your specific subtle elements.
Software Requirements:
Working System: Windows
Technology: Java and J2EE
Web Technologies : Html, JavaScript, CSS
IDE: My Eclipse
Web Server: Tomcat
Toolkit: Android Phone
Database: My SQL
Java Version: J2SDK1.5
Hardware Requirements:
Equipment – Pentium
Speed – 1.1 GHz
Slam – 1GB
Hard Disk – 20 GB
Floppy Drive – 1.44 MB
Console – Standard Windows Keyboard
Mouse – Two or Three Button Mouse
Screen – SVGA

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Virtual Classroom Project In Java Source Code Free Download



Virtual Classroom Project In Java Source Code Free Download 64-bit

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Virtual Classroom Project In Java Source Code Free Download Windows 7

  • Virtual Classroom Java Project The Virtual Classroom is a collaborative teaching tool to assist the students to learn in an interactive manner. It aims to complement the efforts of teachers to integrate technology into their classrooms and link the students to the Internet in educationally productive ways and provide them a stimulating, positive and enjoyable.Read more.
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